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Private Sessions

Group sessions are not for everyone and many people would rather speak privately about their situation. There are several ways you can engage with Jane Keyworth, the Lead Facilitator at FACE.​

Private Session
for Parents

An individual session with Jane Keyworth, the Lead Facilitator at FACE. Up to two adults can join Jane to discuss their situation and get advice, information and practical interventions to help them support their family.

A one hour session is £55 and is delivered online via zoom.

You & Your Teen

You and your teen join Jane to improve your understanding and ability to communicate with each other. This is not therapy, it is skills practice and can bring a new level of peace to your home.

Suitable for 12 years old upwards

A one hour session is £55 and is delivered online via zoom.

Facing Defiance
a six week course

Join Jane and up to 12 other parents online to take part in a six week course to help you turn around the defiant and challenging behaviour you are experiencing from your child

Suitable for 5 to 12 year olds 

Two parents can attend together

Whole course is £72 and is delivered online via zoom.

Jane's experience

Jane Keyworth, therapist, teacher, strengthening families facilitator, has more than 30 years experience working directly with young people, adults and families. 

She has a British Psychological Society Approved Degree in Psychology, specialised in Child Development; an Advanced Diploma in Counselling; a Post-grad in Motivational Interviewing; qualifications in Teaching and Assessing; a Strengthening Families facilitator. Working knowledge of ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and Transactional Analysis (TA). The interventions she shares with parents are taken from these approaches.

Jane is an addiction specialist working front-line with young people and adults suffering from addiction; ran the Training Department of a large addiction treatment centre; specialises in working with low motivation groups and the 'hard to reach learner' such as those in addiction, the criminal justice service (and teenagers!).

Jane has delivered training for County Council staff (including safeguarding, foster carer support, NAS & FAS awareness), hospitals, probation, schools, colleges, learning centres and social care teams.

She is also the mother of three (one child who is dyslexic and ADHD) and the stepmother of one autistic child.

Her passion is to help parents and services who support children.

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